Late / OVERDUE taxes: How can we help?
Relieve the stress and uncertainty of CRA calling you. Ready to get back on track and save money? We’re ready to help. If you identify with one or more of the following scenarios, give us a call.
- You did NOT FILE your taxes for the LAST YEAR or PRIOR YEARS
- Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) has sent you letters and either you have ignored them or you have not fully responded to them.
- You do not have all the information, lost some receipts, lost the bookkeeping files or lost the T4 or others slips.
- You feel that you are going to pay too much in taxes, interest charges and penalties.
- You are indecisive about going back to your prior accountant and you find yourself late now.
- You do not know or not sure if you had to file GST/HST returns.
- CRA has ARBITRARILY ASSESSED your tax returns and suddenly you appear to OWE CRA a great deal of money.
- You are satisfied with the amount you owe CRA but you do not have the money to pay them.
- You are NOT happy with the amount CRA is asking you to pay.
- Collections department is calling you.
- CRA has GARNISHED your bank account and they are taking money from your account/paycheque.
- You are NOT receiving your CHILD TAX BENEFITS or any other benefits from the Government.
- It’s time to move forward, but you don’t know where to start because you are dissatisfied with you current accountant or tax filing process.
Here’s How We Can Help
Get the support you need to wipe the slate clean and reduce tax fees. A customized plan from PLB TAX can provide the following services:
- Prepare and file your Tax, GST/HST, WCB or any other returns, and financial statements where necessary.
- Where applicable, PLB TAX can have the penalties fully waived and the interest charges either fully or partially waived.
- Liaise with CRA to solve the issue on your behalf, even if your case is under Notice of Objection or with the Appeal division.
- Get your benefits back to the maximum within the current rules.
- Arrange on your behalf for a payment arrangement if you end up owing taxes.
- Provide assistance and advice for a range of individual tax-related issues. Your situation is unique; our services are tailored to adapt to your needs.
You deserve PEACE OF MIND
Contact Prad today for a free one-hour consultation. It’s the perfect time to discuss your situation and begin a new plan of action.